Our work with communities
We lead creativity-for-wellbeing programmes across Sussex and we are developing a hub of Community Music & Arts projects within Peacehaven and the surrounding areas.
We provide Community Music & Arts workshops for children, young people, people at risk of social exclusion, people living with mental health difficulties, people living with special needs and disabilities, and older people in residential care homes.
We support people to explore how creative collaboration and personal creativity can transform wellbeing.
Through participatory music and arts projects, we nurture a sense of connection to community, place and to the natural environment.

Our work with professionals
We provide support and development opportunities for Community Music & Arts professionals, including coaching, mentoring, supervision and vocational experience.
Our support can be delivered in-person or online and is aimed at both early career professionals and more experienced practitioners who would like to grow their skills and experience.
We advocate for the recognition of Community Music & Arts as catalysts for positive social change and powerful agents for supporting wellbeing and public health.
We work in partnership with community, voluntary and public sector organisations in order to maximise the reach of our work.
We are grateful to have been supported by:

We are proud to have worked with: